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If you do not specify a delivery date and time, the order will be shipped as soon as possible. Usually, items will arrive within 1 to 2 days after we are notified of shipment.
If you wish to specify a delivery date and time, please select from the options below.
(Can be specified until Mat 10th. Please note that you can specify a date from 6 days after the current date, but you will not be able to choose all dates if the date is immediately before the current date.)

If you are purchasing as a gift and your address is different from the delivery address, please choose a payment method other than Amazon pay because if you choose Amazon pay,
the system will not include your name in the "sender" information and will not know who the gift is from.

※For subscription, we do not allow you to specify the delivery date and time when you place your order. If the delivery date is inconvenient for you, please inform the delivery company of the tracking number you will receive via e-mail after the product is shipped and change the delivery date and time.
Please note that even if you change the pickup date and time using the shipping company's tracking number, your next delivery date will be three weeks after the date before you changed the pickup date and time, in accordance with COCONO's three-week production schedule.

You cannot proceed to the purchase page because regular products and subscription products cannot be bundled.
Please delete either item and reload the page.